Locally Grown,

Locally Owned

Growing up as a competitive tap dancer in Norwich, CT; I used to always take my recital bouquets and hang them to dry in my bedroom. My parents used to say,

“ What is with all the flowers Michelle?” And, my response, “BECAUSE I LOVE THEM !”

Fast forward to college and I saw an ad for a local flower shop. I thought; well I could use the extra money and I do love to play with flowers. I literally started from the ground up! Sweeping, washing buckets, processing flowers, and delivering. Well, I quickly learned there is no playing. It’s hard work, and it’s worth it! There is nothing more rewarding than creating the last gift someone purchases for a loved one. Or, the bouquet the bride hold’s nervously walking down the aisle.

After 10 years in the industry, I was extremely fortunate to have floral mentors who saw my raw talent and took the time to train me on how to be a floral DESIGNER. And, not just a floral arranger! And, trust me there is a difference!

When my husband and I got married we knew our happily ever after would come when we started a family. We never imagined it would take 8 years and 3 rounds of IVF. We waited what seemed like forEVER and finally on Mother’s Day 2019 our precious Everly Grace was born. It seemed like after 20 years in the floral industry it was now or Never! So in the Summer of 2020 the plans for a unique floral and gift studio came to life. Little did I know I would be starting my business during a global pandemic. It hasn’t been an easy road to dance down these past few years, but it’s been well worth it.

My family will always be my # 1 priority. But my flair for being unique and helping others during some of their biggest life moments, will always be my greatest reward!

“Where flowers bloom, so does HOPE.”

— Lady Bird Johnson